Inside Our Walls
We are called to ministry by our baptism, and at Christ Church, there are many opportunities to serve. We invite you to become involved in one or more of our worship ministries.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild gets the altar ready for Holy Communion each week and prepares the worship space for the different seasons of the liturgical year.
Acolytes assist the clergy in the worship service. They serve as crucifers, torch bearers, banner bearers, and carry the Gospel Book.
Lectors read the assigned Scriptures of the day. The ministry of the Lector is to proclaim the word of God by reading both the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament Lessons and leading the Prayers of the People. No prior experience is required, just a clear voice, combined with the ability to read publicly with expression.
Greeters assist parishioners and guests as they arrive for Sunday services. They pass out the Sunday bulletin, help people find seats, collect and present the offering, and straighten up the Church after each service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the chalice at the altar rail during Holy Communion. Eucharistic minsters are licensed by the Bishop for a three year term.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
A Lay Eucharistic Visitor is licensed by the Bishop, and directly following a celebration of the Holy Communion on a Sunday takes the bread and wine consecrated during the service to members of the congregation who by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present.
The Parish Choir sings for the main worship service at 10 am from September through early June. The choir is open to all adults and high school students who can attend rehearsals regularly. The Parish Choir rehearses Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm, and from 9 am on Sunday to prepare to lead the 10 am service. The Parish Choir always welcomes new members.