Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. It is a public statement of one’s decision to follow the way of Jesus in the world. It publicly proclaims what is already true – we are loved by God for ever.
Baptism is open to all people, regardless of age or background.
In the case of infant baptism, parents promise to raise a child in the way of Jesus.
The bond which God establishes in baptism cannot be broken, so baptism is administered only once. When you choose to be baptized, or to have your child baptized, it means you are choosing to live out the Baptismal Covenant, taking your part in the mission, ministries, and worship of the local parish.
Baptism is the beginning, not the end, of a spiritual path. It is not necessary for a candidate for baptism to fully understand every aspect of Christian faith and life from the beginning but, instead, is willing to take first steps on the spiritual road that leads ever deeper into the way, truth, and life of Jesus Christ.
It is our custom to come together for public baptism on special days in the church year, the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, Easter Eve, Day of Pentecost, and All Saints’ Sunday. Under special circumstances, arrangements may be made with the clergy for baptisms on other days.
Please contact the Parish Office (, 207-582-3354, to receive a Baptismal Registration Form and Information Packet.